
Posts by dmarketeer

Social Media Marketing for Small Business

For any small business or start-up business social media marketing is the first step into the digital marketing world, as told by most marketing people. But often the small business owners are not informed on what aspects they need to focus on. Social Media is very popular and vast, which provides many platforms to establish
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Using Content Marketing Strategy for Quality Lead Generation

Using Content Marketing Strategy for Effective Digital Marketing

Content marketing plays an important role, when it comes to digital marketing.  But often most marketers overlook the most important aspects of content marketing, which contribute for lead generation. With a proper content marketing strategy any business, small or big, can rule the internet. Regardless of the website design and being on top the search
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How to Use Twitter for Lead Generation in Websites?

How to Use Twitter for Lead Generation in Websites?

Marketers are widely using digital marketing for lead generation purposes, and social media (eg. Facebook, Twitter) along with it.  Often people use social media for the purpose of building the brand among the audience and connect with them. But the social media is a prevailing platform for lead generation because of the reduced cost and
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digital marketing

Digital Marketing Strategies to Boost Lead Generation

The internet is a major part in a person’s life today; hence digital marketing is important for websites. Digital marketing tactic helps websites in achieving their primary goal; lead generation. People are using different strategies to get more visitors, but not all give the expected results. Considering a few factors when planning a digital marketing
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Optimizing eCommerce Website for Lead Generation

eCommerce website is designed to sell products and services online for the audience who love shopping online. A general eCommerce site compromises of trade platforms, online fund transfer, authentic products and many customers. eCommerce sites have a significant place among the people; as a result, many businesses have a website in addition to a physical
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lead generation website

7 Key factors for a Lead Generating Website

The prime focus of almost all websites is lead generation. At occasions less or no leads generation is a result despite the time and money one invests on the website. There are few website factors which are most noteworthy for a website to make your audience become your clients. Any website can be turned into
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Google Adwords

How to use Google Adwords for Lead Generation?

Google plays a major and a very strict role in lead generation for websites, unlike many other platforms where you can easily index your business and run ads. Google requires a standard landing page and relevant keywords. But it is no secret Google Adwords is a great platform to generate qualified leads for your website.
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digital marketing benefits

Why Choose Digital Marketing to Mark Your Online Presence?

With the evolving world, the technology is also evolving rapidly, so is the marketing techniques. Keeping up with marketing trend is important to brand your online presence.   What are the common digital marketing methods? Though we often hear “digital marketing” not everyone exactly knows what are the digital marketing. Starting from the traditional Search
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Social Media Mistakes that affects lead generation

Common Social Media Marketing Mistakes that affect Lead Generation

Despite having invested a lot of time and money on Social Media Marketing (SMM), most of the businesses do not see any growth in followers or lead generation. The reason would be simple mistakes most of them make when promoting the social media sites. Having a clear idea on what to do and what ‘not’
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Benefits of Lead Generation Programs

Benefits of Using Lead Generation Programs

All business that requires growth needs new customers. However, there is less clarity on how to obtain those new customers. Currently, marketing is expected to hold more of this responsibility. Lead generation involves building a contacts database and providing guidance to those leads. Through the process of buying, they will then talk to your sales
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